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Kleio's Chest Of Books and Scrolls
Current Updates

This page is a posting of all updates I make on my site and even planned updates for the future.

To help you better navigate my update page, the updates will be two ways, by date and area of the site I updated. After two or three weeks (depending on the week), I'll put them in the Old Update Archives.

Current Postings

04/27/04- OK,. so it's been a long time.... AGAIN!! I updated the About Me page, changed the names of some of the pages for easier navigation and deleted some webpages that I know I'll never get to or have no intrest to continue. The two pages I've deleted so far is the Harry Potter page and the Care Bears page. The reasons for doing so (and the rant about Harry Potter) is all on my Catacombs of Knowledge page.
12/19/04- I am horrible at updating, and I apoligize to everyone. I updated a lot of stuff. I (finally) made an archive for all my old updates. That took forever because I had to move around all this text, which is a pain in the neck. I updated the The Catacombs Of Knowledge page and I started to orgainze my stuff for the Gundam Wing site, For Love, Honor and Revenge. Actually, that's what I started to do, but I somehow got sidetracked into organizing the update archives intstead. All well. I'm going to bed, so the rest of the updates will have to wait till tomorrow... now where have I heard that one before?!

Favorite Update

Here I will eventually include links to some of my favorite postings. If you're new to this site and want to get an idea of what it's like, these entries are the best place to start.