Kleio's Chest Of Books and Scrolls
What's In A Name... (or Why Is Your Site Called Kleio's Chest Of Books and Scolls)
Home | What's In A Name... (or Why Is Your Site Called Kleio's Chest Of Books and Scolls) | Crazy, Lovable Me | The Catacombs Of Knowledge | Fun Goodies | Current Updates

If you're wondering about the name, Kleio is one of the muses of the arts in Greek Mythology. So, she is my muse now, inspriring me to put lots of information here, in this website, so that everyone has access to it. I must warn you, some of this information is copyright protected and I will give proper credit to the author. However, I will post parts of books, put up music that I downloaded off of Kaazaa (wonderful site) and basically shatter all restrictions. It is my hope this will spread and all information will finally be open to everyone. HACK THE PLANET!!!!!

I'll put more info and links up soon, but right now I have to get to class. Till then, continue your quest to make all information free to everyone....

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