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Kleio's Chest Of Books and Scrolls
About Me

The content is exactly what the title says it's about.... me. Continue if you dare.... hehehe 

Basic Information:
Name: Monica
Location: USA
Age: 20
Eye Color: hazel, but  I have this funky blue ring of color in the iris of my eyes
Hair Color: Dirty blonde but it's becoming this plain, nothing-special brown color more and more each day
Job(s): I just work at Genaurdi's now. I'm taking a year off from college.
Hobbies: Reading, writing stories, surfing the web, going out with my boyfriend, and lots of studying :(    All well, I can't have everything
Plans For The Furture: I was a English major, but I was very unhappy. So after much consideration, (and almost not going back to school at all) I decided to change my major to Communications (Communications: Performance to be exact) and I got to take all these fun classes like Acting I, Intro to Theatre and Media & Society. But then I changed my major (AGAIN), this time to Communications: General.

Fav. Color: Purple and blue (and pink, right Malfoy....hehe)
Fav. Books: The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, Alice In Wonderland, and Gone With The Wind (but the movie sucked), Ender's Game,
Fav. Movies: A League Of Their Own, Selina, Footloose, Dirty DancingThe Three Musketeers and Jerry Maguire
Fav. Broadway Shows: Les Miserables, Ragtime: The Musical, Cats, Forty-Second Street and Footloose (it was a Broadway play, not just a movie!!)
Fav. Cartoon: Recess, Dexter's Labatory
Fav. Anime: Gundam Wing (all series {especially 08th Mobile Suit and Gundam Seed}), Yu-Gi-Oh, and Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop
Fav. 80's Show: Care Bears, Chipmunks, and Thundercats... oh, and Smurfs ::starts singing Smurf song:: lalalalalala sing a happy song.... lalalalalala Smurf the whole day long... ::stops suddenly:: man, now I'm gonna have that stuck in my head all day long!!
Song Obession of The Week- I like a lot of songs, I don't think I coould choose one. So I'll put down whatever song is stuck in my head at the time. Right now, It's Hold On, by Wilson Phillips. Go here for previous song obsessions.
I guess that's all for now, but there'll be more when I think of them. Or if you think of one that'd you'd like to know, e-mail me.