Kleio's Chest Of Books and Scrolls
My Friends Are Wackos

This is basically a page about all my friends.  The title is true, by the way. My friends ARE all wackos, but I love them anyway. So I hereby dedicate this page to my cohorts and fellow mischief-makers. Even you, Malfoy, you stupid git.

Friend: Alison
Nickname: Malfoy, The Amazing Bouncing Ferret, Stupid Git and Frizzball
Birthday: i forget.... i'll find out and put it here. sorry Ferret
Location: college... ::grumbles:: stupid college....she's living at college, so now we communticate mainly through e-mail and IM's.
Known since: 10th grade, four years ago. It so happened that we sat together in our English class. I feel sorry for the teacher that had us BOTH in the same classroom. They never made that mistake again. We cause a lot of mischief, created some minor havoc and basically had a lot of fun doing it. That's why she's my best friend. ::grins:: and of course writing sorid fanfiction about Pokemon, which I can't post here due to sexual content.... hehehe


Friend: Peter
Nickname: Pete, Potter, or Harry
Birthday: forget... sorry
Location: College.... in Washington, DC. And I only get the occasional E-mail from him.
Known since: 11th grade... but I don't remember how we met. Funny how some things just blur together. Pete and I spent most of our time arguing politics and morals and stuff like that. He was also a good listener in personal problems too.

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